Saturday, August 3, 2013

Adult elephants can jump up to 3 feet high

     That a multi-ton creature such as the elephant can jump higher than your average human is very surprising indeed.  However, it's a a rare sight due to the enormous strain it puts on the elephant's skeleton.  Biologists believe that about half of these jumps result in some form of injury for the animal.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Romans used to make toothpaste from goat droppings

   Ancient peoples had to combat tooth decay in one way or another.  Goat droppings were chosen because of their very high fiber content.  The natural fiber works much like modern toothpaste, scratching away at the tooth enamel to remove plaque.  Combine this with the fact that the goat dropping were cooked to sterilize them before being used, and you have a decent way of having some oral hygiene.  Let's all be thankful for the modern alternatives we have today.

Eating lots of broccoli will turn your pee green

   Tell kids this fact and they might be more open to eating their veggies next time.  Your pee turns green because of broccoli's high concentration of chlorophyll, the chemical used by plants to make food from sunlight.  Human bodies cannot digest this chemical and it usually passes through our digestive system unnoticed.  However, with eat more than 5 servings of broccoli in one meal and your urine will most definitely turn a dark green color. No reason to worry-it is completely harmless.

Honey milk tea cures heart burn

    Honey milk tea is a great way to tackle heartburn problems in a tasty manner.  Honey is one of nature's most efficient soothing agents(as evidenced by singers using it for their throats) and milk counteracts the acidity of your stomach. Milk accomplishes this because it is a base, the opposite of an acid.  The black tea while not directly helping with the heartburn is nonetheless healthy and good for you.

Cheese was invented in Mongolia 3,000 years ago

     Mongolians are known for their legendary horse riding and nomadic way of life.  Unsurprisingly then, the first cheese believed to have been created was almost certainly horse milk cheese.  Out in the Mongolian steppes, the nomads had great incentive to find a way to store milk for extended migrations. Cheese provided them a more reliable way to store the valuable protein provided by milk and is believed to have played a critical role in feeding the armies of Genghis Khan.  The practice of cheese-making later disseminated within the Mongolian Empire and became commonplace in Eurasia afterwards.

   Apple finally took notice of all those toilet accidents and ensured their latest manufactured phones are 100% waterproof.   With no further fear of dropping their phones into the toilet bowl, Iphone usage has more than quadrupled since this latest addition.

Eagles see in black and white.

     It would seem that dogs are far from being the only animals stuck without color tv.  Eagles though known for their sharp vision, have little use for color vision as raptorial predators.  Their eyes are extremely sensitive to movement and shape differentiation, perfect for finding small prey.